Live VJ performances in clubs and festivals in Austria, the UK, Italy and Germany for artists such as John Talabot, Elektro Guzzi, and Eliphino. The audio reactive programme, written in Processing, analyses incoming sounds in order to directly generate images. Several modules can be mixed and controlled with a MIDI panel. The projections amplify any sound experience by giving the music a mesmerising visual dimension.
Selection of festivals and venues played:
× Elevate Festival, Graz × Transart Festival, Bolzano × Hackney Wicked Festival, London × Niesenberger, Graz × Kantine am Berghain, Berlin × Shapes, London × Spartacus, Potsdam × Urban Spree, Berlin × Forum Stadtpark, Graz × Millerntor Gallery, Hamburg × Schäxpir Festival, Linz × The Yard, London × Celeste, Vienna × Parkhouse, Graz
The pictures were taken by Marlon T. L. Fink (1), Jakob Isselstein (2,3), Mario Jahn (4,5) and Simon Meisinger (6). The videos were shot and produced by Paul Freiberger (1) and Matthias Pfeiffer (2).